What to Know About the New York Reopening Plan
As the state of New York starts to reopen after COVID-19, the governor and the CDC have instituted an official New York reopening plan. According to the plan, there are several mandatory guidelines that businesses must follow, as well as a few additional recommendations that can keep your employees safe. Here’s what you need to know about the New York reopening as per from the governor’s website.
What’s Mandatory
- Physical Distancing
- During phases II-IV of the New York reopening plan, occupancy must be at a limited maximum capacity.
- 6 feet of distance must be maintained at all times unless a closer distance is required for safety.
- Face coverings must be worn if an employee comes into contact with anyone closer than 6 feet away.
- Only one individual may use tight spaces such as elevators at a time unless all individuals are wearing face coverings. Even with face coverings, occupancy of these spaces must be kept to a minimum.
- Shared workstations must be disinfected between uses.
- During the New York Reopening Plan, adjust hours or stagger arrival and departure times to reduce the amount of contact between employees whenever possible.
- Place hand sanitizer near any shared amenities, such as vending machines or coffee makers.
- Protective Equipment
- Ensure that proper face coverings (cloth, surgical masks, or face shields) are available to employees. Sharing of face coverings must be prohibited.
- Train workers on how to put on personal protective equipment, how to remove it, how to disinfect it, and how and when to discard it if needed.
- Advise workers to wear PPE such as face coverings while in common areas.
- Limit the sharing of objects and desks whenever possible.
- Cleaning & Disinfecting
- As part of the New York Reopening Plan, adhere to all CDC cleaning guidelines and maintain logs on-site that detail cleaning procedures.
- Provide handwashing stations in the office, including soap, running warm water, and disposable paper towels. When handwashing is not possible, provide an alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing 60% or more alcohol.
- Ensure that shared supplies and equipment are regularly cleaned and disinfected, with cleaning occurring each time equipment changes hands. More rigorous cleaning must be performed after every shift or workday.
- Prohibit the sharing of food and beverages between employees.
- If an individual is confirmed to have COVID-19, disinfect all heavy transit areas and high-touch surfaces such as elevators and coffee makers.
- Communication
- Post signage throughout your premises to remind employees of CDC guidelines, your safety plans, and the expectations laid out in the New York reopening plan.
- Train all employees on proper procedures.
- The New York Reopening Plan states that if an individual is exposed to COVID-19, immediately notify and cooperate with state and local health departments with contact tracing efforts. Notify any workers, visitors, or customers (if known) who came into contact with the individual, while maintaining confidentiality required by state and federal law and regulations.
- Screening
- Implement mandatory health screening practices for employees asking whether they have had any COVID-19 symptoms in past 14 days, if they’ve had a positive COVID-19 test in past 14 days, and/or if they have had contact with a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 case in the past 14 days.
- If an individual answers yes to any of these questions, they must not be allowed entry and must be sent home with instructions to contact their medical provider, as per the New York Reopening Plan.
- Designate a central point of contact who is responsible for receiving and reviewing all employees’ health screening questionnaires, with such contact also identified as the party for employees and visitors to inform if they later are experiencing COVID-19-related symptoms.
What’s Recommended
- Physical Distancing
- Modify workstations so employees can maintain 6 feet of distance without having to share space. Limit the use of shared workstations.
- Store non-essential items in drawers or cabinets instead of keeping them on desks.
- Use markings on the floor and around desks to designate 6 feet of distance whenever possible. Use arrows to direct the flow of traffic.
- Opt for video meetings whenever possible.
- The New York reopening plan recommends that you limit non-essential travel.
- Protective Equipment
- Maintain a supply of masks or other face coverings for employees and guests to use.
- Cleaning & Disinfecting
- Increase ventilation by opening windows and doors when it is safe to do so.
- Avoid using products or furniture that are not easily cleaned.
- Communication
- Develop a way to stay in touch with your employees about COVID-19 procedures, such as an email list, Facebook page, or group text message.
- Provide building managers with a list of expected visitors.
- Screening
- The New York reopening plan recommends that you prevent employees from being in close contact before their screenings are complete.
- Maintain a log of all employees and visitors who come into contact with each other so contact tracing can easily be enacted if necessary.
- Conduct screenings near the entrance of the building to reduce the possibility of contact with someone who has been exposed to COVID-19.
- Those conducting screenings should be trained in CDC, DOH, and OSHA protocols and wear appropriate PPE, including at a minimum, a face covering.
Call Today!
The New York reopening plan can be challenging for businesses without an adequate space to return to. Let Rosetti Properties set you up with a spacious new office that’s perfectly tailored to meet your company’s needs and the requirements of the New York reopening plan. View our available properties or call us at (518) 869-5587 today.