You’re Killing Your Productivity by Doing These 6 Things

Woman writing in journal at desk

To some degree, productivity is an art. We scour the Internet for journal articles, videos, and eBooks on how to be the most productive version of ourselves
possible. Many of these articles and videos mention the same common tips and tricks. What if they’re wrong, though? What if many of the things you’re
doing to be more productive are actually causing more harm than good?

Below are six common beliefs and practices that are ultimately making you less productive.

Stop Doing the Easy Things First

Doing the easier and more fun tasks on your to-do list first is causing you to procrastinate the more necessary tasks. Knocking off a few items quickly
will make you feel a sense of accomplishment, but are they really items that no one else can do? “Just because you’re checking something off the list
doesn’t mean it was worthwhile doing,” says Jeff Skipper, Calgary-based leadership and change management consultant.

Before you write anything down on your to-do list, make sure it’s a task you should be doing to begin with. If not, delegate it to someone else.

Stop Forcing Yourself to Get Up Early

Contrary to popular belief, you can’t force yourself to be a morning person. Each individual has their own circadian rhythm that is difficult to mold and
re-shape. If you find that you work better when you sleep in, try shifting your morning workouts to after work hours. You could also see if your boss
will allow you to come in to the office later and leave later or work from home. Taking advantage of your natural energy peaks throughout the day will
allow you to optimize your productivity.

Stop Letting Irritations Slide

If we let the “little things” go we’re not allowing ourselves to lose focus or become less productive. At least, that’s the idea.

If the “little things” aren’t dealt with in a timely manner, they can become big problems. Resentment can also drain our energy levels and focus, causing
us to mull over the situation over and over again in our heads. Confront the situation before it becomes a larger issue and you’ll be more productive
in the long run.

Stop Planning Your Breaks

We’re creatures of habit and many of us work best when we plan out our days. A common practice is to take a 5-minute break for every 30 minutes of work
you do. While this can reduce eye strain and is good for our circulation, it can be detrimental at times. If you’re on a roll, keep going even if 30
minutes have gone by. You’re better off listening to your body and taking note of your energy levels to know when it’s time for a break.

Stop Working Under Pressure

Many people claim that they work better under pressure. A looming deadline is certainly motivation to complete a project, but it is not conducive to producing
quality work. Pressure leads to a decrease in cognitive functioning and creativity. Working under pressure also adds unnecessary work stress. Unless
you’re given two day’s notice to complete a project, allow yourself time to do your best work.

Stop Thinking Procrastination is Just a Bad Habit

Procrastination is usually a sign of a deeper issue. Maybe you’re afraid that you’ll do the project wrong, look bad, aren’t good enough, or you have impostor
syndrome. Procrastination has even been linked to higher rates of depression, substance abuse, phobias, and more. By recognizing and dealing with the
root cause of your procrastination, you’ll be able to be more productive.

Bonus Tip: Stop Working In A Bad Office Space

The wrong office space can also be harmful to our productivity. Rosetti Properties has numerous office spaces throughout the Capital Region for you to choose from. Our commercial buildings are “A” rated and office can be altered and/or built to promote a productive
space. Contact us today to schedule a tour.