How to Fit Decluttering into Your Morning Routine
After a long day, no one likes coming home to a messy apartment. However, not many want to spend time cleaning after work either. So, when is the best time to clean without taking away from those precious relaxation hours after work? The answer: during the morning! Keep reading for a few small ways to fit decluttering into your morning routine.
Clean Out the Fridge
Instead of scrolling through Instagram or Twitter while your coffee brews, spend the time cleaning out the fridge. Throw out any expired items or leftovers and wipe down the refrigerator door. Now you have a cup of coffee and a clean fridge!
Take the Trash Out
Wait! Before you head out for the day take an extra minute or two to take the trash out. This is a simple way to keep things tidy (and smell free) without any extra effort on your end. The trash will have to go at some point, you might as well do it in the morning.
Clean out Your Closet
You know that one top you stare at every morning but never actually wear? Get rid of it! Each morning when you’re deciding what to wear, do a quick scan to see if there is something you can get rid of. It will feel good to have a closet full of only items that you love.
Clean out the Bathroom
Are you guilty of keeping empty shampoo bottles and old razors in your shower? Make a commitment to recycling or throwing out any empty products on a weekly basis. Your bathroom will be clutter free and can breathe a sigh of relief.
Pick Up Your Living Room
If you like to sit on your couch to enjoy your morning coffee, pick up your living room first. Fold any blankets, recycle old magazines, and put the remotes back where they belong. Your whole apartment will appear neater and you’ll be able to full enjoy that cup of Joe.
Make Your Bed
An unmade bed has the appearance of clutter. Make your bed right when you wake up to give your bedroom a neater look. It also feels so much nicer to slip in to a made bed at the end of the day.
Looking for more cleaning and organizing tips? Check out how to organize your closet and six things you’re cleaning too often.