How Gen Z Will Impact Your Workforce
Just as you’ve started to get a handle on what Millennials look for in a prospective employer and company, a new generation of workers is on the horizon. The iGeneration, or Generation Z, are those born between 1995
and 2010, with the oldest being about 23 and just entering the workforce.
The U.S. Census Bureau indicates that in the next two years, 20% of the U.S. workforce will be comprised of this generation. What does this new generation
want from their employer and how do you market to them? Understanding how to adapt your workplace culture to the needs of this newest generation will
help give your company a competitive edge.
What Gen Z Wants from an Employer
While members of Generation Z are constantly connected and consume media from multiple sources, they still value in-person communication and contact.
Gen Z is looking for the following from their employer:
- Frequent interactions with organizational leaders (40% desire daily interactions)
- Regular feedback about their performance
- Face-to-face interactions
Management must be actively involved in the progression of their careers. A strategy should be in place to provide this generation with mentorship, sponsorship,
and one-one-guidance.
To do so, management at your company should implement weekly or bi-weekly one-on-ones. This is an opportunity to openly discuss the status of projects,
any concerns or hardships, and new ideas. It’s also an opportunity for management and employees to get to know one another.
One survey found that 16% of Gen Z’ers value their relationships with coworkers and 15% highlighted the importance of supervisor interactions. Weekly check-ins
will show Gen Z’ers that they are valued within the company and give them an opportunity to form connections with their supervisors.
There should also be goals in place that will help them actively advance in their careers. Check in on the status of the goals and provide valuable feedback.
This feedback should be given in-person, as 53% of Generation Z say they prefer in-person discussion over instant messaging or email. Just as you were
getting used to communicating over Slack, it’s time to switch it up again!
How to Market to Gen Z
Your marketing strategy for Gen Z should look different compared to your strategy to advertise to Millennials. It should be personalized, optimized for
multiple platforms, and contain interactive and stimulating elements.
81% of respondents in one survey indicated that they use social media to find out more about products. They’re connecting with brands through their social
networks and communicating with others who like the same products. Focus the majority of your efforts and money on engaging with customers on social
Ads, as well as organic posts, should contain interactive graphics, aesthetically pleasing photos, and fun, but short, videos. Anything that will make
Gen Z customers want to share your content with their friends. Brands that are not taking full advantage of the real-time engagement that social media
provides are missing the boat on reaching an entire generation.
Generation Z is also never without their phones, so it’s imperative that your advertisements and website are mobile-friendly. If you’re a retail brand,
consider utilizing the “click-to-shop” option on Instagram to allow your audience to have an even easier shopping experience.
As employees, Gen Z’ers want frequent interactions with supervisors and company leaders. They value relationships and want one-on-one time with managers.
As shoppers, Gen Z’ers are everywhere at once, so it’s important to diversify your marketing efforts. Identify the platforms your audience uses the
most and make sure you have a presence.
Generation Z has already begun to shift the workforce, so the time to adapt is now.