5 Team-Building Activities

Teammates high-fiving



Team bonding and growth are essential for any business, but, it doesn’t have to cost you a fortune. Bringing your team together can be as simple as getting
up from your desks and going outside.

5 Team-Building Activities That Won’t Break the Bank

1. Book Club: You can meet monthly or quarterly, whichever fits the schedule of your business the best. As individuals, we tend to enjoy
reading different authors, genres, fiction or non-fiction, which creates a great opportunity for your staff to share their favorite books and authors!
2. Eat-and-Meet: Turn your staff meeting into a session where you enjoy good food while recapping your accomplishments or struggles. Taking
food or beverage requests from your staff can give everyone better insight to their teammates and what they enjoy eating. Having pizza or bagels at
every meeting gets old, try something new!
3. Get Outside: There are so many fantastic places to go for a long walk or hike in New York’s Capital Region.
It’s ok to have a bit of shop talk going on during your outdoor excursions, but, it’s also nice to simply take in the scenery and enjoy non-work conversations.
4. Game Time: Try incorporating a friendly game into your team meetings, especially ones that help break the ice and for the team to get
to know each other. Games like Two Truths and a Lie is a classic game where each person tells two truths and one lie about themselves and the rest
of the team has to guess which one is the lie.
5. Cards of Recognition: When you see something great happening in your team, whether it’s them coming together to create a solution,
or just going above and beyond their daily duties, give them a small shout out with a card of recognition. While this won’t necessarily create a bonding
session for your team, it will give them a sense of recognition, which is always nice!

Find the Ideal Location

For your business to flourish, it’s important for your team to come together and bond, but, it’s more important for your business to be in a location that
is truly ideal. If your business is located in a part of town that is less than appealing, or the building is difficult to access, this can deter potential
clients or customers, and even the staff you’re striving to hire. Rosetti Properties has both commercial and retail properties throughout the greater
Albany, New York area which is centrally located to so many great places! Contact us to schedule a tour of our properties and to find a place to set up shop!